In the early days of tech, products were introduced based on what the engineer was capable of building. But after a pandemic-era shakeup, the industry has come full circle and the customer is now squarely in the driver’s seat.
Alexa Vignone, Executive Vice President at Salesforce, joins Propel CMO Dario Ambrosini on our podcast The Platform Rules: Digital Transformation for Product Companies to discuss how Customer Experience became top of mind – and how companies can keep up.
Click here to listen to the full episode, or hit play below.
“Every one of our technology customers is thinking about their customer experience. They're thinking about their brand in the marketplace and trends around brand loyalty. But everybody's sort of evaluating: how do they move to a more durable or sustainable revenue model?”
As the EVP at Salesforce, Vignone has an eagle-eye on the trends shaping enterprise tech and mid tech industries. From what she’s hearing, they’re all asking themselves the same questions.
“Our customers are really thinking very differently about how they engage with their clients: How are they changing the engagement process in their digital experience? How are they helping customers buy much more quickly? How are they helping to service customers in a much more effective, and frankly, contemporary way?”
"Having customer data live on a common platform is going to support the next wave - driving more intelligence in the form of AI and automation."
The good news is business transformation is keeping up with the pace of customer demands – and now it’s up to companies to decide to take the leap.
“Integration is hard, right? It takes time, it takes energy, it takes talent, and it takes a lot of money. They need a desire for efficiency, a desire for ease, a desire for speed.”
According to Vignone, automation and AI are not far behind the current transition to cloud. Whether a company is ready depends on the readiness of their platform.
“Having customer data that sits underneath interactions on a common platform is an enormous advantage… it is going to support the next wave, driving more intelligence in the form of AI and automation.”
Listen to all of Vignone’s insights in our episode Rule 7: Delight Your Customers.
Want more? Alexa Vignone will be a keynote speaker at this year’s Propulsion 2022! Register now for the industry event for leaders of product and commercial teams in medical device, electronics & high tech, consumer goods, and industrial equipment markets.