The Propulsion 2023 session "Scrappy Tech Startup Fuels World’s Largest Supply Chain" features a conversation with Heather Multhaupt, VP of Team Services at Alert Innovation and Propel's CMO Dario Ambrosini.
- "The foundation for our IT focus today is to evolve the processes fast enough to meet our expanding footprint of the product in the field. We have to really work to ensure our data is accurate and we have to have the hooks to make robust reporting available for realtime decision-making. This is our focus — being able to evolve fast. Make sure our data is great and then report it so we know how we need to adjust in real time."
- "I love to train users. I love to make users successful. But we get a very small slice of time to train people. So when I get valuable time of theirs to train them, I really want to focus on the process and the 'why' they need to do what they're doing. Engineers love to understand why they're doing something and when they understand why they're gonna do it better."
- "I've had lots of conversations with people who have the opinion that an application should adapt to them. My perspective is if you've selected the right application, you can adapt to it."