As he concluded the opening keynote for Propulsion 2024, Propel Software’s inaugural in-person conference, CEO Ross Meyercord encouraged Propel customers in attendance to connect with one another:
“I often find the greatest innovation from the most unlikely sources. You might find it from companies that are in a different industry, a different size, a different phase, or a different geography. That diversity of thinking can provide that innovative idea to help uncork value for you."
With nearly half of the conference attendees composed of Propel users, the gathering was rich with just such opportunities. Meyercord predicted what ultimately became the most valuable aspect of the event — gaining perspectives from other Propel users and solution experts.
Customers had direct access to an array of potent transformation stories from those who harnessed the solution to achieve stunning innovation and growth.

While the presentations themselves provided a deep well of insights, opportunities for learning were strewn throughout the three-day agenda: from small group discussions on specific Propel processes, to a dedicated User Group session designed to deliver product feedback, to the simplest moments of peer connections on coffee breaks.
Every minute could be mined for a new idea to better your business.