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8 Expert Perspectives on the Future of Product Innovation

From digital transformation to AI, watch industry-leading speakers chart the course for the future of product development.

As industries continue to evolve at an unprecedented pace, the future of manufacturing and product development is being shaped by key technological advancements, strategic transformations, and the integration of innovative practices. 

Leading experts and speakers shared their insights in eight remarkable presentations onstage at Propulsion 2024, a curated event for product innovators in Chicago.

Each session highlights how companies can navigate this new era. Below is a roundup of these presentations, offering a glimpse into the trends and strategies that will define the industry’s future.

1. Ross Meyercord: The Necessity of Digital Transformation in 2024 and Beyond

In a rousing keynote address, Ross Meyercord, CEO of Propel Software, emphasized that 2024 isn’t just about digital transformation—it’s the year that proves its absolute necessity. In a world where innovation is relentless, the focus has shifted to how companies can sustain and expand their competitive edge. 

Meyercord discussed the critical role of product value management (PVM), underscoring the importance of the single-platform concept-to-customer solution in fostering agility and responsiveness. He also linked global economic security concerns with the need for strategic sourcing, making a compelling case for companies to rethink their supply chains in light of emerging geopolitical challenges.

Ultimately, there is no finish line for innovation,” Meyercord remarked, reiterating that continuous improvement and adaptation are essential for long-term success.

Watch Ross Meyercord’s keynote.

2. Breg’s Big Bang Approach: Rapid ROI through Integrated PLM and QMS

Product development heads Serena Oaks and Erika Blair shared medtech leader Breg’s ambitious approach to digital transformation, which prioritized a comprehensive, integrated launch of product lifecycle management (PLM) and quality management systems (QMS). This strategy, a "Big Bang" approach, delivered immediate and substantial ROI, evidenced by a 500% increase in project capacity without additional staffing and a significant reduction in time-to-market. 

Their success story highlights the importance of adopting a holistic view of product management, where the speed of implementation and user satisfaction are key indicators of success.

“Propel's value is really in its interconnectedness. When you're connecting your people, your data, creating process linkages, you have access to the intellectual power of your organization,” said Blair, highlighting the critical impact of the cohesive collaboration driven by their new solution.

Watch Breg’s success story.

3. Tomasz Stefańczyk: Building an Interconnected Tech Stack for Future Growth

Tomasz Stefańczyk, Head of Engineering at AMS Technologies discussed the transformative impact of moving from spreadsheets to a fully integrated digital environment. 

By adopting Propel PLM, AMS achieved a 500% increase in engineering productivity, enabling the company to scale its operations more effectively. As they continue to expand, they’re looking to implement Propel’s product information management (PIM) solution so their commercial and product data will be directly interconnected. The goal is to integrate their entire tech stack to fuel product innovation, superior customer satisfaction, and revenue growth.

We knew we needed to have the single point of truth,” Stefańczyk stated, underscoring the value of centralized data management in driving business growth.

Watch AMS Technology’s transformation story.

4. Change Agent Panel: How to Galvanize Digital Transformation

One of the greatest challenges in implementing new technologies is overcoming resistance to change. In a panel discussion, the individuals who led change at their respective companies Lori Lundergan (Allegro MicroSystems), Diana Sehawneh (MaryRuth's), and Kirstin Sims (Guardant Health) shared their experiences in leading successful digital transformations. 

They highlighted the critical role of communication, collaboration, and securing buy-in from all levels of the organization. Their insights reveal that the human factor is just as important as the technology itself in driving successful change.

We're constantly evolving our playbook. When we started with Propel, we realized we were looking at a culture shift. People don't like change but they want to develop products fast. So now we're writing our own playbook,” noted Sims, illustrating that ongoing dialogue and flexibility are vital for sustaining transformation efforts.

Watch the panel of change champions.

5. Dmitriy Geler: Driving Revenue Growth Through Strategic Digital Transformation

Dmitriy Geler’s title says it all: he serves as VP of Quality, NPI Engineering, and Transformation for BekaertDeslee. In this session, Geler provided a compelling narrative on how digital transformation can directly impact revenue growth. 

By fostering a culture of innovation and challenging the status quo, BekaertDeslee has maintained double-digit year-over-year growth, even in a highly competitive market. Geler's approach highlights the importance of cross-functional collaboration and the strategic selection of top talent to lead transformative initiatives.

My team is set up for success to understand our internal customers cross-functionally. We're able to experience all those frictions — I would say opportunities — to drive transformation,” Geler shared, explaining how he cultivates a spirit of continuous innovation across the organization.

Watch the fireside chat with BekaertDeslee’s Dmitriy Geler.

6. Manufacturing Industry  Panel: Navigating the Era of Change

Salesforce’s leading manufacturing industry experts Bruce Richardson, Chief Enterprise Strategist, and Tony Kratovil, VP/GM of Manufacturing Solutions, offered a broad perspective on the future of manufacturing, touching on the impact of AI, the evolving global supply chain, and the increasing importance of sustainability. 

Their discussion emphasized that while technology drives much of the change, the real challenge lies in managing the risks and opportunities that arise from these disruptions. Their advice to manufacturers is clear: embrace technology, but be prepared for the unexpected.

Derisking your supply chain is key for maintaining your leadership in your market,” Richardson advised, highlighting the importance of resilience in today’s volatile environment.

Watch the manufacturing expert analyst panel.

7. Kevin Chien: The Transformation of Health and Life Sciences

Kevin Chien, GM of Life Sciences at Salesforce, explored the revolutionary changes happening in the Health and Life Sciences (HLS) industry, driven by AI, machine learning, and the cutting-edge capabilities of Salesforce Life Sciences Cloud.

He discussed how these advancements are transforming patient engagement and product quality management, setting new standards in medical technology. Chien’s presentation underscored the critical role of data-driven insights in improving patient outcomes and optimizing operational efficiency.

This is life sciences’ Blockbuster moment,” Chien declared, signaling a pivotal shift in how healthcare is delivered and managed.

Watch Kevin Chien’s keynote.

8. Nitesh Chawla: Embracing AI, the Next Frontier in Corporate Productivity

Nitesh Chawla, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, brought the discussion full circle by addressing the profound impact of AI on corporate productivity. 

He argued that while AI presents challenges, it also offers immense opportunities for those who are willing to adapt. From optimizing supply chains to enhancing product quality, AI is poised to revolutionize the way companies operate. Chawla’s optimistic view of AI serves as a call to action for organizations to embrace this technology and prepare for its widespread implications.

There is no supply chain today that will not be impacted by AI,” Chawla concluded, emphasizing the inevitability of AI's influence on global industries.

Watch the fireside chat with Professor Nitesh Chawla.

Conclusion: Preparing for the Future

As we move into an era defined by rapid technological advancement and increasing global interconnectedness, companies must be nimble, innovative, and resilient. The insights shared at Propulsion 2024 provide a roadmap for navigating the future of manufacturing and product development.

By embracing digital transformation, fostering cross-functional collaboration, and preparing for the widespread adoption of AI, organizations can position themselves to thrive in this new industrial landscape.

The future is here, and those who are prepared to adapt will lead the way.

For more on Propulsion 2024, the annual gathering for industry analysts and product innovators, read the full recap.

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Anna Troiano
Editor in Chief, Converged

Anna has spent her content marketing career honing in on the critical keys for successful consumer & industry-driven marketing. Before joining Propel, she developed and executed content strategy for TodayTix, Stella & Dot, Atlantic Theater Company, and Theatre Communications Group.

Fun Fact: Anna's birthday is Valentine's Day.

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Anna Troiano